Sunday, March 30, 2008

Socialized Medicine

-The difference between taxing and owning our own health care.. The difference is choice. If we go universalized or socialized healthcare we will HAVE to pay for it. We will have to pay for it for others also. We will not have a choice of what do use that money for.

I do agree something needs to change.
A couple ideas-
1- Limits on malpractice suits would cause dr's to be able to pay less for their insurance and charge less to the patrons. No I do not think someone's life is worth over 1mill. If they are dead, and it is proved purposeful it is the DR's fault not their insurance company, nor ours. as we (the patrons) are ultimately paying. SO they should loose their license and face possible incarceration. Accidental is different, and yes I think malpractice insurance is good for these instances. But if it is an accident why does the dr get penalized, and in turn us? I agree with the insurance paying the medical costs, but so much is blurry when it comes to pain and suffering. Same goes for all insurance, if someone is following all traffic laws and slips on the ice hitting someone, causing an accident. Should the person that got hit try and get all they can, or get medical paid for, or somewhere in between? By medical I would include paying for longterm care if needed.

One needs to keep in mind.. Where is the money REALLY coming from.

2- Strengthen the Family. Think back to a time before nursing homes. Elderly were taken into their childrens' homes or children came to live and care for them. Family lived closer over the course of their lives.

3- Strengthen the community/Church. Those who are without family their community/church should step in to help.

4- Create lower benefit packages for lower prices. Not sure how low the price could get, but the benefits would be ONLY emergency care, and a deductible of 5k or so. Nothing else. Bare bone it. Ideally 50$ or less per month per family. Then allow us to go in like a smorgusboard and pick and choose what else we want added. If we want Prenatal care we pay X amount, if we want wellbaby checks we pay X amount per kid. etc. Same for Chiropractic or acupuncture etc.

5- All dr's take all insurances.

6- Make it so ALL hospitals/drs take payments of some reasonable amount. I do realize they need to earn a living, and are in charge of life and death. But everyone should be able to access a payment plan of sorts. Reversely we should be able to prepay this amount.

I really like the idea of Health Care spending accounts, as far as I can tell I think it would be a great choice for a lot of people.

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