Monday, March 17, 2008

The American Flag

To those who think burning an american flag should be a right need to read..
The American Flag by Henry Ward Beecher 1861,M1

"It means Liberty; and the galley slave, the poor oppressed conscript, the downtrodden creature of foreign despotism, sees in the American flad that very promise and prediction of God: 'The people which sat in darkness saw a great light; and to them wheich sat in the region and shadow of death light is sprung up.'"

"...Our Flag carries American ideas, American history, and American feelings."

" has gathered and stored cheifly this supreme idea; Divine right of liberty in man. Every color means liberty; every thread means liberty; every form of star and beam or stripe of light means liberty : not lawlessness, not license; but organized institutional iberty, - liberty throughout law, and laws for liberty"

"It is not a painted rag."

--- Oh boy I could copy the whole thing there is some great stuff in there. Take a look for yourself. If you dare.---

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