Saturday, March 15, 2008

Politics- Obama & his church

Barack Obama was interviewed yesterday on Hannity & Colmes on Fox News responding to his pastor (Jeremiah Wright)'s controversial beliefs.

I am listening to the interview.. He said he would have left if he had heard the statements on an ONGOING basis!.. Nice wording. Reminds me of former President Clinton already.. The definition of "is".. Oh lord.
"Hasn't been involved in my campaign." near as a direct lie as any! They totally campaign at the pulpit --so says Hannity and I agree!

There is a link to his video on the mainpage of foxnews.

I do give him credit for going on foxnews. But man he can work it. And to say he didn't know his pastor's beliefs when he in the next sentence states that he is like a uncle to him. He isn't just a supporter of his campaign, which he is, he wasn't just a pastor which he was, he is "like an uncle to me".

Oh man continue listening as Jeremiah Wright's interview is after it. Brings up Liberation Theology. Interesting.

How could Obama not have read the doctrine of his own church?

He says that blacks are separate, but then on the other hand they are not separatists.. OH boy! MLK was from the "black church" not the "white church".

His interview was over a year ago. Now Obama appears to be very intelligent, why didn't he distance himself then?

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