Friday, March 7, 2008

Politics - Presidency

This is a place for me to organize my thoughts on the upcoming presidential election.

Barack Hussein Obama-
Who is he- paternal grandson of racist muslims living in Kenya, son of an atheist mother, born in Hawaii, maternal grandson of working class liberals. Son of an extreme feminist, an alcoholic father and divorced parents. Super rich. Barack spent part of his childhood living in Indonesia.
Dislike- Says partial birth abortion should be up to the mother.Cap on Greenhouse emissions Opposed war. Wants to eliminate nuclear weapons. Reduce tax cuts.
Other Notes-What experience does he have?

Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton-
Things I like about Hillary - Mother, intelligent, strong, stood by her husband (not sure I would or could have, and her reasons are a bit dubious, still have to give credit to her), articulate. Voted for offshore drilling. wants to repeal the marriage penalty tax.
Dislike- pro-choice, against drilling in anwar, for greenhouse emission caps, anti-troop surge, raise taxes on those that pay the most of it. Overstates contributions. Just because she was first lady doesn't mean she was in charge of the foreign policy. The military doesn't like her
Sketchy -
Other notes- what has she actually done? We would have the most experienced First "Lady".

John Sidney McCain III- Fiscally conservative, Socially liberal (or moderate).
Like- adoptive parent, POW, pro-life, view on Iraq and war, tax cuts
Dislike- McCain-Fiengold bill, McCain- Lieberman bill, caps on greenhouse emissions, amnesty for illegal immigrants, won't repeal estate tax.
Other notes- just because he is a hero doesn't necessarily mean he is a good choice for president.

With all these three, who is my representative? NONE. I really liked Duncan Hunter.
But none of those currently running have all my views. Huckabee was more in line with them than McCain. My views seem to line up best with the third party- The Constitution Party

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