Thursday, October 16, 2008

Should Media be fined?

Only time Media should get in "trouble" is for outright lying. And there is recourse for that already in our court.. Slander and Libel suits.

I don't mind at all the "fairness" of it all. I do mind when they pretend to be unbiased, and people believe their are unbiased when they are not.
That is one thing I do love about Fox News. They disclose if they are a Republican pundint, what book they wrote, who they agree with, what they agree with. And then they all talk about it. It was clear to me in the post debate chatter there was one Republican one Democrat, and one writer of a book regarding Moderates, and then a moderator. It was very even handed, and I totally disagreed with the Dem and totally agreed with the Rep and had no idea where the moderator stood. She asked leading questions, but for both sides.
However watching just a snippet of pre-debate coverage from the 2nd debate with Katie Couric I couldn't stand it at all, she was very in the dem pocket and there was no alternative host.

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