Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Books I got at the Library Book Sale

ALFA- Astoria Library Friends Association, had a book sale the 3rd and 4th of October, so of course I had to go I got 24 books for $20.50 most were $.50 each a few were $1 and one on the Vatican was $3.
Here are the ISBN #'s and I will post pics when I get them uploaded.
06-440020-4 Sounder by William H. Armstrong
0-440-44250-8 Johnny Tremain by Esther Forbes
531-00534-8 (SBN) The First Book of Food by Ida Scheib
0-8225-0861-3 Weaving by Karin Kelly
0-517-40511-3 Life in the Castle in Medieval England by John Burke
531-00539-9 (SBN) The First book of the fur trade by Louise Dickenson Rich
65-10350 (Library of Congress card catalog number) The Book of Art (Volume 3) Flemish and Dutch Art
68-30026 Vatican Museums Rome by Mondadori

0-590-42460-2 To be a slave by Julius Lester
0-590-42591-9 White Fang by Jack London
65-20665 (L of Congress) The Lantern Bearer, A Life of Robert Louis Stevenson by James Playsted Wood
0-226-14396-1 The School and Society, the Child and the Curriculum by John Dewey
no ISBN 1955 Donkey Detectives by Lavinia R. Davis
no ISBn 1955 A SPY in Williamsburg by Lawerence
AC 66-10063 (Library of Congress )Life and Times of Frederick Douglass by Frederick Douglass
No ISBN Illustrations C - MCMLV -King Arthur and His Knights by Henry Frith

61-14623 (LoC) Harper's Bible Dictionary by Madeleine S. And J. Lane Miller
56-11301 (LoC) The Bible as History by Werner Keller
62-11246 (LoC) The Bible and Archaeology by J. A. Thompson
no ISBN 1948 More Favorite Stories Old and New for Boys and Girls. Selected by Sidonie M. Gruenberg
no ISBN MCMV Myths Every Child Should Know. Edited by Hamilton Wright Mabie
no ISBM 1963 Hard Times by Charles Dickens
67-12797 The Invention of the American Political Parties, A study of political improvisation by Roy F. Nichols

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