Saturday, September 27, 2008

Weaver Volume 2 Unit 1 Chapter 1

I am using Alpha Omega's Weaver curriculum with my two sons, now 5 and 6. We did Volume 1 from Jan-Aug. And started Volume 2 Sept 16th.
I was going to start the 15th but we had unexpected company (my BIL), and so we postponed it a day.

Day 1- Kings and Queens - made crowns and talked about the power of kings, started coloring pages from weaver resource section. Also took school photos today, made it a fun easy first day of school. Did play pretending to be kings.

Day 2- Located Pithom and Ramses on a map of Egypt, wrote names on the map. Discussed the importance of food storage, bacteria. Watched Egypt video. flashcards, I- Saxon Lesson 8

Day 3- Talked about queens and kings ruling today, monarchy vs democracy, and put stars on all the monarchy ruled nations on the world map. I did a Google search for them to find out the current ones as the Weaver is a bit old. Some nations I didn't know existed and had a hard time finding on the map. Interestingly the only monarchies not ruled with a Constitution are in the Middle east area. Read Esther kids book. flashcards, I- Saxon Lesson 9. Painted two shields.

Day 4- Read Pyramid, and built a pyramid with the legos, I took a photo to add to our yearbook. flashcards, I- Saxon Lesson 10

Day 5- Reviewed where to find Egypt, flashcards, I- Saxon Lesson 11 Made spears.

Day 6-Worked with playdoh to build bricks for a pyramid. Measured them out and cut them. flashcards, I - Saxon Lesson 12

Day 7- Wrote pyramid poems. Omniscient. drew pictures of a castle for notebooks. flashcards, I- Saxon Lesson 13 Finished Shields

Day 8- Discussed Archeology, read... Josiah built an Egyptian house out of playdoh.
Read Bob Books, Flash cards, J- Math receipts (adding tens places and ones), started Italic handwriting I- Lesson 14

Day 9- Watched Camelot, field trip to Vancouver and Portland to the Oregon Historical Museum Society.
need to - Finish reading Castle books

Day 10 skipped

Books used From Home-
NIV Bible, Kings and Queens by Philippa Wingate, Pyramid by Macaulay, Castle by Macaulay, Small Living Things by Houghton Mifflin Publishing, The Peasant and the Fly by Osmond Molarsky, Discovering Archaeology by Iris Barry, Ancient Egypt by Haslam, Atlas of the World by Rand McNally, Atlas of the Bible by Reader's Digest, How Things Work by Childcraft, Draw and Write Through History by Gressman and Dick, Esther and the King by The Beginner's Bible, Kandoo Kangaroo Hops into Homeschool by Susan Ratner, The Story of Cinderella and other tales by the great fairy tale classics, Why I Cough, Sneeze, Shiver, Hiccup, and Yawn by Melvin Berger, No Measles, no mumps for me by Paul Showers, Germs make me sick! by Melvin Berger,

Books I have but didn't use
The Hiding Place by Corrie ten Boom, Sleeping Beauty, The Prince the the Pauper by Disney, The Hunchback of Notre Dame by Disney, Cinderella by Disney, The Magic Carpet Ride by Disney, Remembering the Propets of Sacred Scripture by Marianna Mayer (use later), The Prince of Egypt by Dreamworks (use later), The Royal Diaries Elizabeth I by Scholastic, The frowning Prince by Crockett Johnson, The story of the Tin Soldier and other tales by great fairy tale classics.

From Library -
The New Way Things Work by Macaulay
Beauty and the Beast and other tales by Larkin (read every night to Josiah)

Videos watched -
Robin Hood (Disney)
Quest for Camelot
Building the Great Pyramid
Egypt: Engineering an Empire

Esther (Veggie Tales)

Ancient Egypt (Library)
Wish we had done - headbands with hair, more brick making with oven or airdry clay to make a pyramid.

In addition to Weaver curriculum using the following curriculum-
Saxon, Italic handwriting series by Getty and Dubay, ACE paces, Rod & Staff workbooks, flashcards, Bob Books, Teach your child to read in 100 easy lessons,

Also read or watch or did not relating to Weaver -
Bravemole by
From Library-
video -Remembering September 11th, Arthur's Sleepover,

Field Trips -
Sept 14th - Oysterville, (visited an oyster farm and picked out oyster shells from a huge pile, larger than our car!).


Sept 15th - Longbeach - went to the WSU Science cranberry bog, learned how cranberries grow, are harvested, their predators and products made from cranberries.

Sept 20th Seaside Octoberfest - ate some hot dogs and talked about the Germanic culture, listened to an accordion band and had some yummy strawberry shortcake.

Sept 27th -Oregon Historical Society Museum - Learned about puppetry, there was an exhibit of Puppets from Micheal Curry, a Scappoose resident. His puppets have been in Disneyland and Broadway shows, and even at the Olympics.

Learned about Oregon Basket weaving, this will come in handy for Unit 2 as we will be learning about basketry when studying Moses's early years.
Learned about the history of the USS Oregon, Oregon Artists, Mechanical School, and Oregon history in general (the general history of Oregon exhibit is part of their permanent collection). We went to this museum the 27th of September as it was part of the Smithsonian Free Museum Day. Grandpa and niece came with us after we went and looked at puppies that Grandpa was choosing. The cutest little golden retrievers EVER!

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