Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Decor and Homeschooling

Since we homeschooled through the summer we are taking 2 1/2 weeks off. We are in the second week right now. I have gone room to room, deep cleaning, clearing clutter, lots of trips to the thrift store with donations, fixing things that need to be, even buying lightbulbs etc.

So Yesterday I started in on our homeschooling room. I had painted a dresser for the boys a couple weeks ago with a blue and off white, and thought ok, I will use those, I also found some green. So out to the hanger I went and mixed a palette. I let it dry and then picked what I liked. I wanted one (at least one) dark wall, but I wasn't sure how dark. So I painted one. Keep in mind this one is facing the front door, as our entryway is the same room as the schoolroom. Tricky Tricky, especially when it isn't just me living in the house...

So I let it dry, and painted another wall, it is parallel to the one I painted, also facing the front door just closer. As I looked I really wanted the perpendicular wall dark. This ment I needed a different plan as I had used all the off white. So I thought, ok the lighter walls will need another coat anyway. So I will color this one full dark, keep that color and then add some of the remainer to the white.

So I color the perpendicular wall a dark turquoise, beautiful, but I didn't like the checkerboard effect. white, light, dark, light, white when walking into the front door.

I took a break and then thought, heck I will repaint the first wall dark also, it looked good darker than the white to begin with. So I painted it the full dark color, it looked really rich and dark. After letting it dry I loved the effect. I then took a bit and added it to white and painted the last parallel wall again, in the lighter color. This is the only wall seen from the rest of the house.

I still need some more of the dark paint so saved a sample to get a quart or so, well probably a gallon as I will use 1/2 a gallon to get it really rich. So one more coat at least.

Today I repainted one of the white walls, and I don't think the other two need a coat, but might anyway, but need some more white paint.

So off to the paint store tomorrow, and to get whiteboard from HomeDepot. I read that the board they make the whiteboards in the School Supply stores out of is available at HomeDepot for about $15 a piece 4x8! So I plant to get one tomorrow.

We plan to start school the 25th, and I plan to keep more of a blog about it online here, this year. To share with other Weaver Moms!


After -

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