Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Sarah Palin

Well, lets see.. Things I love
I am more excited to vote for McCain now. With my uber conservative self, I had reservations with his less than conservative views.. heck even Bush is too liberal for me.
Secondly my DH is more excited to vote for McCain, it is one of only times I can remember that he has called me regarding a political issue.
She is rural.
She has a good knowledge of oil industry, and thus energy needs of our country.
She is straight talking.
She is a mother, and proponent of large families.
She is pro-life.
Active in her community, so a pulse on the average American.

Things that worry me
Supposed ethics violation over firing chief of police who refused to fire sister's ex.
Daughter extramarital pregnancy (this can go both ways), anyone's child can be in this situation, and do NOT see it as a reflection of her parenting, but how she treats the situation will determine things as far as my views on it.
Would like to have seen a few more years as governor.
No Master's Degree (this can also be good, as it keeps her out of the liberal captive audience that liberal profs find at leading colleges across the country.

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