Tuesday, July 1, 2008


went to my local homeschooling conference and curriculum fair a few weeks ago and met Dr. Brian Ray. He is the president of NHERI - National Home Education Research Institute, which is a nonprofit research and educational organization.

If you have never heard of them they do large quantitative studies on homeschoolers. I used a lot of his research when compiling my thesis on Homeschooling Educational Methods.

He was very personable, and he showed me a new book/Study that came out called Home Educated and Now Adults. It has stats of how Homeschooled children... now adults are doing.. in the real world, from income, to education, to general happiness with life and religious views etc. It is a very interesting study.

I urge everyone interested in the scientific proof for homeschooling to check out their website at least, http://www.nheri.org/ .

You can sign up for updates, and information on current studies, publications etc.

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