Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Books I need to buy-

Title - Price I need to be under (with shipping to zipcode 97103)

George Washington's World by Genivere Foster 13.48
America's Paul Revere 8.17
Leif the Lucky 12.50
The Church in History 25.00
In Search of a Homeland 29.95
The Golden Goblet 3.50
The Librarian who Measured the world 4.82
Columbus 12.95
Pocahotas 9.99
Jamestown, New World Adventure by James Knight 5.19
Squanto, Friend of the Pilgrims 4.88
Stories of the Pilgrims 4.88
Pilgrims of Plimoth 4.00
Benjamin Franklin 8.45
Buffalo Bill 15.49
The Fourth of July Story 5.20

Please email me at if you have any of this you are willing to sell below the price I posted.

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