Friday, February 6, 2009

Closing Getmo

I just read the Guantanamo executive order- Since I totally disagree with closing it I wanted to get the wording right.
One big question is why would we give terrorists or suspected terrorists American freedoms and rights?
Why should international entities being upset about it cause us to close it? It is like playing an international popularity contest.
Third.. I really do not want Hilary Clinton deciding who stays and who goes, and since she is secretary of state, that means I have to again put my faith and livelihood in the hands of a Clinton, someone I do not trust.
Another big issue for me is putting these suspected terrorists in with the general prison population.. Talk about a training ground.
I was and am still a big supporter of Getmo. I do not think any of these people if found guilty deserve to have the rights and privileges of Americans. They are not American.

As far as the Geneva Convention.. what a joke. Seriously? Did these detainees play by that code? Not all countries have signed the code, and it is only those that have that we need to "play nice" with.

I think closing them and relesing them is a very bad idea, whether found innocent and returned to their country of origin or found guilty and put into the prison system.

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