Thursday, May 15, 2008

Bush gives up golfing,2933,355521,00.html

George Bush says he will give up golfing till the troops come home..
Just my thoughts----
I think it is great. The whole idea of fasting from something you enjoy, or are addicted to for a time, for any reason strengthens a person. To do it for a cause is even more noble IMO.

I understand the issues people have with Bush, but if someone else gave up something they loved doing to bring an issue to light they praise them. But since it is Bush they malign him saying it isn't enough, or is pointless.

Just because something is only a drop in a bucket, doesn't mean it isn't still a drop in the bucket. It is still something.

I do have a totally different view on the war and the role of government than some people, so maybe that is the issue. I do not see Bush as evil or a dictator.

If I did see an evil dictator who killed many people, and stole and lied to his people give up golfing to say he supported some issue that he caused I would have the same views as the pp's. But I do not see Bush that way at all. I disagree with many of his policies, but do not see him that way.

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