Thursday, April 24, 2008

Creation/Evolution.. stuff,2933,352461,00.html
Timeline inaccurate but the rest seems to be what Biblical Scientists have been saying all along, "All modern humans share one female ancestor.... Who lived in Africa..." The date after that of 200,000 years I think is incorrect. But scientists are getting closer to the truth.
They also said that "Tiny bands of early humans, forced apart by harsh environmental conditions, coming back from the brink to reunite and populate the world". Sounds like a post -flood to me. Though they blame a drought, and only shrink the human population to 2,000. They are getting closer. ;).

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


An average american works 113 days just to pay their taxes. quoted from Paul Harvey News today.

Kudos for the week of 4/20/2008

Happy Birthday Suzanne ;) These people are doing great things in Oregon.

One family they are helping is Brittany Cassidy's Family. She is dying of Cystic Fibrosis and only has about a month to live. If anyone would like to help them out go donate at the website.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Notes on Race

I think Pat hit the nail on the head using "white America" "White community" etc. He said it that way in response to Wright calling it that, as well as Black church, Black community etc. Those that were NOT offended by Wright saying it, suddenly are by Pat saying it.. HUMMM. Proves my point. There is a big difference in our society today when a black man can say something and it is fine, and even applauded where the white man says the same jargon and it is put down and ridiculed. Interesting.

I am not sure I should comment on the CONTENT of his speech as no one else really did, they were so "offended" by the language. Interesting that you were not offended when it came from Wright, and that is one of Robertsons points. He used that language to illustrate the difference in perceptions. And he was right on.

As for where is stats come from, that wasn't an issue for you with Obama or Wright.

He didn't say they should be grateful for slavery. He said they should be grateful to be part of such a great nation. And I agree every american should.

Pat I think does have correct stats about things so far in looking..
When taking his crime stats-
Just homicide rates there is more black on black homicides than white on white, and very little white on black. (This is as of 2005)

"Although slightly less true now than before, most murders are intraracial

From 1976 to 2005 --

* 86% of white victims were killed by whites
* 94% of black victims were killed by blacks"

egardless of HOW we all got here we are HERE, and it is a great nation. And I dare say the best. WAS written. He is talking about the nation today and moving forward.

Talk to the Japanese (internment camps), Native Americans (reservations), Irish (NY rioting etc), Jewish.. on and on. This country isn't claiming an innocent past, but he is saying it should and could have a bright future, if we all stop the blame game. And that TODAY Blacks should be proud to live in America. If one doesn't think this is the best country for them, move. I do think it is the best country.. there are things I want to change but it is the best none the less.

Never once did I say he comments "white America" etc were ok;. I simply said it illustrated the point I had been trying to make day after day since this first came out. But again I come up against a blacks can't be racist mentality.

You DO have a valid arguement about the location. But it isn't just in his church now. And the issue was never really (for me) about Wright. It was what was Obama doing in that church in the first place, and why did he support Wright, and visa versa.

Obama inspires you? I assume. Obama inspires SOME people. I never said that people supporting Obama was doing so blindly though at times I will conceed it sometimes looks like that. I am sure it might look like that from the otherside looking at Bush supporters. But it is not always the case.

1- Should Whites be slaves for awhile?
2- No speaker I know does footnotes. I provided a verifiable non-biased link.

I do think you have come up with a very good point and I agree... I do think it is most possibly an issue of poverty. It is tragic that violence is seen as a race issue at all. I do think that income plays a huge part in it, and by default location, and thus by default race (which really has no bearing on it at all-- as a cause). It is situational.

It is not an if/then issue. I disagree with your first paragraph. The simple issue of poor families begetting poor, and hard to get out of that social situation. Doesn't mean there is racism at all. Not that there isn't just that it isn't a end all and be all.

How do you suggest white people "solve" it? I do agree racism is wrong, but beyond that what should we do?

Last paragraphs - I agree to the first question. But disagree that whites are not disenfranchised do to income as well. Just beacause 1/2 of the teachers/scientists or doctors are not a minority doesn't mean it isn't fair. It should accurately represent society at large. If this is correct
It is 13 %. Now how many blacks are in these jobs?? If it is close %age wise then it shoots your racist theory out of the water totally.

Here is what I found

The percentage of single-race blacks 16 and older who work in management, professional and related occupations. There are 44,900 black physicians and surgeons, 80,000 postsecondary teachers, 48,300 lawyers, and 52,400 chief executives.


Now how many physicians are there total?

Anesthesiologists 23,790
Family and General Practitioners 111,990
Internists, General 50,140
Obstetricians and Gynecologists 19,180
Pediatricians, General 26,910
Psychiatrists 19,530
Surgeons 49,730

Total 301,270

from here

Let's assume the numbers I posted are correct. And take the 301,270 as the number of physicians, even though the previous number might not include Anesthesiologists etc, let's assume it does...

Now for the math
Blacks account for about 13% of the US population
There are 301,270 physicians/surgeons in America of which 44,900 are Black (the largest minority group in the US).

If I did it correctly the amount is 14.90%
So in fact WHITES might actually have a right to a beef here . As there is a lower %age of whites as physicians/surgeons in America, in relationship to the %age of whites in society

Question really is why are there poor whites? WHy are there single parent white families? If the whites are so privilaged why do we have any hungry white kids? Maybe because there is something within the poor community themselves that also attributes to it, instead of just a race issue.

Here is an interesting report on a poll. I usually disagree with NPR but it looks pretty well done.

Steph you are really good at accusing and baiting.
1- I am not sure there are reprercussions from slavery that are still affecting black people today. Or more specifically I am not sure that it SHOULD affect them. I could conceed that some blacks FEEL like it is a cause of their poverty. But I know that many feel that it was not a cause of their poverty at all. SO, though one views that it is a causal affect TODAY it might not actually be, and definately shouldn't.

2- The best whites can do to help is to not be racist. We should not have to self-abate ourselves to right the wrongs of the past. Hell I bet lots of us have irish ancestors but I don't see them decrying the wrongs done to them when they came over.

So now you are blaming the capitalistic society, Maybe we should see exactly how our "poverty" lines up with other countries.\- regarding housing space
from a larger study found here

An article by Walter Williams

No one group should bear the burden of poverty if all groups at taking just as much responsibilty for their own situations instead of blaming others for it. I do not think anyone regardless of race should be treated any differently, if that means certain races end up more privilaged than others I want it to be solely on their own merit, not because the other is holding them down because of their race. NOR do I want previous atrocities used as a crutch to keep people down.

William F. Buckley

Sunday, April 6, 2008

McCain's Son

Not only is his father a national hero, His grandfather and great-grandfather were the first parent and son to achieve four-star admiral status in Naval history!

And now he is heading off to Iraq as a lance corporal.

Moo Me Ma Moe

My son Isaac just told me, "Moo Me Ma Moe" "That's Spanish." I asked him, "Spanish for what?" He replied, "Spanish for Spanish people.

NRA.. and Heston

Heston was a great proponent of our Constitutional Rights. Using his stardom to advocate gun rights to Americans. He will be missed.,2933,346965,00.html

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Proves my point

All Things Irish...

Find it here

I got a pay per article job so some will be links now :)
To northcoastoregon.

Whose the richest..

Well in the race for President, Hilary takes the gold along with her husband. Literally, at approx 20mil in earnings last year alone.
I do need to give kudos to Mrs. Clinton though. In this article she states-“I reject the idea that there’s some sort of conflict between people who make a lot of money actually caring about the poor”

Thursday, April 3, 2008

The First Sunny Day

April 2nd was..
The First Sunny Day of My Life.
Or so it felt. With my brother-in-law visiting from North Dakota, it surely felt like his first for a very long while also.
We pulled out the lawn chairs, we pulled out the dining room chairs, heck we even pulled out an old torn up easy chair. With our Coors and homebrews we were definitely an “old redneck” vision to behold. But, it warmed our bones, and we spent the whole day just soaking up the sun.
Hope everyone enjoyed the weather yesterday, I know we did.

Spring Break

Spring Break in Seaside was quiet compared to most years. Granted that did lead to less business for the police to deal with. But that also led to LESS BUSINESS. I am sure many businesses felt the crunch as they usually rely on Spring Break to boost sales till Summer hits. Unfortunately for the small businesses in town, there was no traffic. Car lines that usually push past ave U to the South and 24th/Holladay on the North, were non-existent.

Restaurants all had plenty of seating, parking spaces were ample, and noone blocked my view when I wanted to take a picture of the sunset at the turnaround from my car window. Sounds like paradise? Well at 32 degrees it was a frigid one, with hail, snow and freezing rain. No wonder the crowds stayed away. But after the November storm and getting businesses back up and running, many were hoping this would be just the thing to put them back in the black. No such luck. Hopefully Summer will bring the crowds that locals love to hate. And we can again regain our status as a hot tourist spot. Otherwise the upstart businesses that cater to tourists will see some bankruptcies, and locals will miss out on some yummy new restaurants, and money in their pockets.

We need a bypass

Traffic is bad enough during off season, with RV'rs driving 20mph on our windy but 50mph roads without pulling over. I have seen traffic backed up for miles just because of one elderly driver. It makes locals a bit batty especially when visitors don't follow the rules of the road. Word to the unwise, if you want to go under the speed limit, pull over. Secondly, consider get ting some extra driver training in order to handle the big rigs.

For those that have to drive into work everyday, it isn't just the rush hour that is difficult here, it is all times of day from 9am-9pm. Getting around Seaside is a bit easier than others as they have a fairly well set up infrastructure, so locals can hit Holladay, Columbia or Wahanna and miss most of the holiday traffic, if they are careful. Seaside put those plans into effect 50 years ago.
On April 3, 1958, the Seaside city planning commission presented ideas to the city council regarding traffic problems downtown. There was no estimate of cost on the completed program, but the city had been saving money! They eventually worked it out and did form new streets from Ave A to Ave G and from First-5th ave. Likewise today the city council members and citizens know what needs to be done, and know it will cost a lot, but since it is governed by the state their hands are tied. And are tied up into using fistfuls of cash for projects they would put on the back burner if they could.

Their main proposal in 1958 was that each section of new road "will form part of a traffic loop, to connect with Holladay Drive and with the proposed highway by-pass and designed to draw traffic out of the heart of the Broadway business district, and to serve that district by offering a perimeter traffic facility. Another object would be to open up traffic flow into the areas included in the loops, which are largely given over to tourist accommodations." So yes even 50 years ago there was a need for a bypass.

Today, traveling HWY 101 can be tedious at best. Many locals are looking to move simply because they can't MOVE. The locals with the most time on the road see this as the biggest problem with their jobs. Ones feeling the impact the most are delivery trucks, from Fex Ex and UPS, to those delivering beer and bread, to those moving logs, and hauling fuel.

My husband drives the double long tanker trucks. It is good he has a four on four off schedule or he may not have lasted this long (over 15 years). He drives from Astoria to Portland to load from the loading docks there, storage tanks that have the fuel from the Pipeline and delivered via ships. He then heads into Portland, up into Washington, or to the Coast. He delivers often to Seaside, Warrenton and Astoria. He leaves at the first sign of morning, meaning just after 1am. But by the time he is getting a second load the roads are so packed on the coast he barely can move. The tourists go slow, and people pull out in front of him with little room for him to stop.

Good and Bad weather play into it, and each have their difficulties. The main problem though isn't the weather it is the people on the roads. In the good weather there are more tourists, thus more drivers who don't know where they are going, and possibly don't know how to really drive and maneuver their rigs. In the bad weather there are more accidents. During the last ice storm my husband saw over 15 accidents in one day!

Astoria was built on pilings, and it is seeing the effect of having tankers and log trucks traverse its streets at 20mph. They tear up the road, and everything slows down. Having a HWY through the middle of town was poor planning, but who knew Astoria and Seaside at their conception would be so attractive. Now there is barely any room to maneuver in Astoria, even in the off-season, with narrow one way streets, limited parking, and delivery vans or Emergency vehicles parked right in the road. Where else is it a good idea to park on a highway? And of course this gets even worse during tourist season, and Sunday Market or other events held in the city.

ODOT is no help. Their rules and regulations and allocation of funds are not helpful to the residents of the NW coast. Right now they have funds already allocated to special projects. One of the most recent debacle was the resurfacing of HWY 101 near Gearhart. It was a total mess, it eliminated 4 lanes in most places, where it should have added lanes. It is now down to two lanes most of the way with three lanes in a limited area, so small you can't get around the infernal RV's that won't concede space to those working, or on their way to and from work. $$ was spent on this project, and the road surface was actually better before the work was done.

The Department of Transportation is not good at listening to locals, who have wanted and begged for a bypass for many years. Not all the towns agreed at first, but all of Clatsop County is now aching for a bypass. But do to their pre-allocation of funds to items that are less necessary for the success of our county transportation wise, we are left without enough to build a bi-pass. Granted eliminating these special projects still might not allow enough to build a bi-pass, but it would be a good start, and if we put off other projects in our area for a couple years we would have enough.

All residents want a successful county. A bypass would not eliminate tourist activity. In fact it might even bring more, as they would be able to get around easier. Bypass would however make life so much easier for drivers, from long haul to tanker and delivery drivers. Not only would the drivers and their families be willing to stay in the area, and come home more relaxed, goods and services would get from point of origin to delivery much swifter. This would save everyone money, resulting in lower prices for common and necessary goods, from bread to gasoline. It also would improve air quality standards in general as vehicles would be on the road much less than they are now. Instead of it taking an hour to get from Seaside to Astoria in the heat of summer it would only take 15-20minutes.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Moral Relativism

-and review of Be Intolerant because some things are just stupid by Ryan Dobson-

"I'm convinced that the reason people buy into moral relativism is that they're getting something out of it" pg55

Sex outside of the Marriage vs the Bible

"Say you want to have sex outside of marriage. You've desided that, frankly, that's what you want to do. But if you believe in God, you've got a big problem because the Bible says that sex outside of marriage is wrong. What's a body to do?"
"You've got three options; (1) comply with what the Bible says, (2) do what you want but duffer the consequences, or (3) make up your own philosophy that says God's Word is wrong and sex outside of marriage is right." pg 56

Religious Art and Public School,2933,344350,00.html

My thoughts- Public schooled high schoolers were made to sign an agreement in art class not to have religious art. That in itself is ridiculous. First of all minors should not be made to sign any thing of the sort. Secondly just because someone signs a sheet of paper doesn't mean that their rights should be taken away. I do not think they were fully advised either.

Where does the art teacher think art originated? Some of not most of historical art has some sort of religious background. Michaelangelo's David to Bernini's Rape of Persephone.