Monday, June 30, 2008

Ann Coulter's How to talk to a Liberal (If you must)

I just finished Coulter's book. It is a compilation of articles from 1991-2004. On of my favorites was Nine out of 10 Caribou Support Drilling. It is talking about ANWAR, and the truth about it. It is dark 1/2 the year. The only real wildlife there is Caribou and the population has boomed in the areas near the pipeline.
Here is a link. She really has a way with words.

Used books etc on Amazon

Here are my offerings

Thursday, June 26, 2008

HSing Encouragement

I too have overwhelmed days. I just got back from OCEAN Network (Oregon's Christian Homeschooling Conference and Curriculum Fair). There was a really great speaker there at one of the breakout sessions named Carol Barnier. They have CD's of the sessions available as well as she is a published author, I even broke down and bought one of her books. She is very helpful, reassuring as she is a non linear thinker just like me. Full of creativity but in need of organizational help, and reassurance at times. To get a copy just google OCEAN Network they should have a link to the CD's or check out Amazon for her book(s).
One thing that helps me is to look at what we have accomplished, not so much where we want to or need to go. My boys are doing great. For not even being the state required 7yo we have done Saxon K and 1/2 of Saxon 1 with my now 6yo, we are 1/2 way thru Teach your Child to Read in 100 easy lessons. They know all their letter sounds, and are learning blending, my oldest knows all three letter basic words, and can sound out pretty much anything that uses the basic sounds. They enjoy learning (this I think is probably the biggest one).
We are doing school year round this year, just because having a slotted reading and activity time helps me and them alot with our day. But we do take days off when EVER really I or they feel like it. I usually take December off and do a Christmas Unit, make cookies, presents, cards talk about family and Celebrations around the world and God's gifts to man. We took off last summer and it was too hard to get back into things, so we are doing lots of field trips but still doing "school" when the weather is iffy (maybe summer will come by October to the NW.. LOL). We have went to the ZOO, Children's Museum, Powell's Bookstore (the largest in the state), parks etc. And this is only June! So we are getting out a lot more, and I am alternating math and reading so the school day is short and then they can get outside more. We only have one neighbor with children, and they often are gone to Grandmas, but when they are home they come over about noon or so, SO we still have time to do school from 9-11:30 and have lunch before playing.
If I lived where it was HOT I would consider reversing this and have some school from Noon-3 or so, so they wouldn't be out in the heat of the day.
Hang in there, I could talk all day, but you are normal.
Even PS teachers get this way, especially toward the end of the school year, and at the end of their carrers. We have a LOT riding on us as HSers. We are in charge and held accountable by society for our children's education. Where individual teachers are not, the "blame" is passed around year to year, and if the kids turn out poorly the blame is spread so thin no one is ultimately responsible, with vague mention of curriculum, or funding getting the blame.

Stay the course, take a break, children can learn just as much from playing with legos with you or baking cookies as they can sitting down and doing a math worksheet. Sometimes MORE.

Your fellow hsing Christian Momma